The Corporate Bartender

What is TCB?

If you've been curious, here's a sixty second overview to what we do!

Welcome, The Bar is Open...

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the Corporate Bartender. Your virtual support group for this socially distanced, working from home phase. This is a wonderful group of HR and people leaders sharing what we're all doing, and enjoying a video cocktail! If you're a Human Resources leader, executive, or just make people-oriented decisions for your company, this is the place for you.

In these crazy days, I felt like we could all use some support, some community, some innovative people-side-of-the-business ideas, and of course, some cocktails. What started as a response to COVID19 has evolved into something much more meaningful. It's become an amazing group of people leaders from various industries who have come together as the world is changing to share ideas, some best practices, to learn from our mistakes, and build connection with others who are facing similar issues.

We are all about sharing at TCB. We share Learning & Development tools. We share updates to the legal landscape. We talk about issues facing our employees and our leadership teams. We interview innovative People Leaders who have cutting edge ideas. Oh, and we laugh. A lot!

I know what you're thinking. What is this thing? Is it another Zoom meeting? Is it a Podcast? Is it a show? What in the world am I getting into? It's all of those things and none of those things. It's a forum for ideas, meeting similar folks, and finding a little bastion of sanity in an exceedingly complex world. It's a breath of fresh air, and a respite from your grueling schedule - where you'll be in great company, and probably take away a few things that you can use at work...and in life each episode.

If you are an HR or People Leader in your organization, this is the place for you. You are welcome here!

Wanna hang out with us? The link is below!

Join us on Zoom - Wednesdays @ 4:00p MT

TCB Replays

Check out the TCB episode with Patrick Nelson from August 12. We had an amazing conversation about service-based leadership, leading under difficult circumstances, and how to live with intentionality!

Eryc Eyl - Work/Life Mashups, Human Centric Workplaces

Building, Developing, and Deepening Connection in Crazy Times

Get a GRIP - Effective Meeting Management

Tiny Habits

TCB Mighty Network

Join us over on our Mighty Network for the latest and greatest and some amazing community! It just takes a second and it's FREE! Oh, and we won't spam you! #winwin

TCB Resource Guide

Resource Guide

Here, you can find a link to the Google Doc that we've been using to share resources, and separate the signal from all of the noise. You can also find it in the navigation bar at the top of the page.

HBR's Coronavirus+ Business FREE eBook

This resource is amazing. There are sections covering Managing Your Business, Managing Your Remote Team, and Leading Through Crisis. Download your FREE copy here.

Featured Tools

Check in with your Body, Emotions, Mind and Spirit so that you can make the appropriate tweaks! Grab the Energy Audit and get crackin'!

Not sure what level to delegation to employ? Use the handy Delegation Ladder to help!

OSHA put out an informative guide for employers. It's worth a few minutes of your time.

Featured Videos

This is a fantasic 1-hour video with Pat Lencioni and colleagues discussing overcoming the 5 Dysfunctions of a Virtual Teams

Improve Your Wifi...and laugh

Check out 6 easy ways to improve your home Wi-Fi! Marketing people kinda rule. =)

Going Out

Dr. Tom Schwieterman, Vice President of Clinical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer at Midmark Medical, invites us to join him on a trip to the grocery store and gas station to learn best preventative measures for contracting illness. This was a video made for internal essential employees. It's a bit windy at the end, but good info.

Fun Stuff

Quiplash is the gut-busting battle of wits and wittiness! Just use your phone or tablet (no controllers needed) to answer simple prompts like these:

  • Something you’d be surprised to see a donkey do

  • A double rainbow doesn’t have gold at the end of it. Instead, it has ______.

  • A better name for France

SkyeSongs for CoronaTime

(Add to our CovidPlaylist)


Create your own free trivia games!

Goose Chase

Remote scavenger hunts!

Netflix Party

Watch in sync with others

Get the latest on Covid-19 from the Society for Human Resource Management

Current newsfeed from the compliance giants.